Friday, October 28, 2011

Feeling like a Zombie!

Just in time for Halloween! My sinuses hurt, my throat is scratchy and my head is pounding! Best part is, I CAN'T take ANYTHING! I'm sure that the pregnancy isn't helping my immune system, and the fact that I visit my sick grandpa every night probably isn't helping much either. I feel bad I won't be able to see him tonight.

I really wish I had a humidifier right now, I think that would make me feel much much better...

Hopefully I will be feeling much better tomorrow since we have two big pumpkins ready for carving! 

Today I am 8 weeks pregnant! 2 months officially down! I really can't wait until our little bundle is in our arms!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

7 weeks and 5 Days

I'm starting to feel like a Pee Machine. It seems lately like that's all I do. I haven't had much of an appetite lately, but I eat because I have to... NOT because I want to. Frankly, the thought of eating almost nauseates me!

Everyday I wonder to myself,  I wonder what my baby looks like today, its a nice thought and definitely keeps me motivated to eat even when I don't feel like it. When I start getting real curious or when I want to feel more "connected" (if that's possible) with the baby, I usually go online to look at 8 week old "fetus" pictures or read one of my many baby magazines.

This experience is amazing! It's hard to stop thinking about it, even for one minute... especially when you have a little "tinkling" reminder every (what seems to be) five minutes!

I've notice how I am starting to gain my energy back day by day. Sure, I'm still exhausted, after all, I am cooking a baby inside of me, but I actually feel like I can almost make it through the work-day.

One thing I am super grateful for is the fact that I have hardly thrown up, sure I get nauseous and sometimes my tummy isn't 100% but at least my head hasn't been down the toilet too often! In just a few more weeks, I will be 3 month along and most of the icky feeling should subside!